WaterCheck™ 2

The Ultimate Test Strip for 0.1 ppm Low Level Chlorine/Chloramine Test Strip

  • Easy to use strip test
  • Result in 30 Seconds
  • Detects chlorine/chloramine less than 0.1 ppm
  • Quantitative test results
  • Color blocks 0  0.1  0.5  1.0 ppm

0.1 p pm Chloramine/Chlorine test strip for monitoring carbon tank chlorine leaks. The strip is optimized for Maximal reaction with chloramine to assure detection of trace amount of chloramine in the treated water. The strip reacts with both free chlorine and chloramine. Results are ppm total chlorine. The test is a 30 second test.

AAMI now allows the use of a dip-and-read test strip for monitoring of 0.1 ppm total chlorine (chlorine/chloramine) in dialysis water treatment.